These are some of the chemical products we use:-
- Barflex
- BASF Wasp Freeze
- Battle Axe Aerosol
- Biflex AquaMax
- Biflex Duo 200
- Cislin
- Chaindrite Crawling Insect Spray
- Coopex Dust
- Cooper Residential Insecticides
- Crackdown Residential Insecticides
- Delta Force Plus
- Ditrac Blox
- Dragnet Dust
- Fendona
- Ficam
- Generation Block
- Goliath Cockroach Gell
- HomeGuard Blue
- HomeGuard Collars
- HomeGuard GT
- HomeGuard Perimetre DPC
- Maxforce Ant Granules
- Permethrin D
- Phantom
- Premise 200SC
- Premise Foam
- Racumin
- Sentricon AG Termite Bait
- Sentricon AG Refill Bait
- Sentricon IG Termite Bait
- Talon (Rat Pellets)
- Talon XT Pro
- Temprid 75
- Termidor
- Termite Collars/Frisbee
- Term Seal Sealant

For all Material Safety Data Sheets please refer the following websites: